Tafalgie Therapeutics expands R&D capabilities and moves into new premises

Tafalgie Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical research company specializing in the development of treatments for relieving and preventing acute and chronic pain (inflammatory, postoperative, neuropathic) without adverse effects, is pleased to announce that its teams are today moving to a new site with dedicated research and support functions in Luminy, Marseille, France.

Tafalgie has chosen to establish its headquarters at the Marseille-Luminy Technology Park (CCIMP Building), placing the company close to both its main partner laboratories (IBDM, AFMB) and Marseille University Hospital (AP-HM). The new facilities will bring all the teams together at a single site covering an area of almost 300 m2, with a well-designed collaborative workspace to support its growth and to welcome its new employees in the best possible conditions.

Tafalgie Therapeutics will be able to accelerate all its development projects while improving the working environment and conditions for its employees.

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